Finally back in the civilisationen after 355 km of nothing but a road and bushland, It have been the most boring ride of the 2200 km we have done so far, We left Rockhampton Thursday morning for a 110 km ride to a little place called Marlborough, they had one petrol station there and a pub with Caravan park so we camped there for the night and had dinner in the pub there together with few beers. The only sign of life between Rockhampton and Marlborough was a little petrol station 36 km after Rockhampton, i had a nasty fall half way to Marlborough too. it was a pole laying across the side of the road and i didn't see it and my bike slipped on it. I cut my knee, nothing bad, but it was sore!

The following morning we had another 110 km ride to Clairview and again it was nothing along the way. So we stoped at the petrol station in Marlborough and had a big meal, a workers burger and ice cream before we headed of on our big day.
Around lunch time we stopped at a rest place and had eggs and toast. We bought eggs and toast before we left Rockhampton. We also meet some very friendly people there, one lady came up and asked if we wanted hot water for tea or coffee and she gave us two cups as well and coffee for Jakob and hot water for me and I had my own tea bags, and before we left another lady came up and asked if we needed anything, water, fruit etc. but we were fine then. So many friendly people here that coming up and talking to you.
We got to Clairview in the afternoon, just in time to get the tent up before it got dark.
After that we went straight for a shower and then to the little restaurant/bar. They had happy hour so we enjoyed a few beers and ordered food. The choices are very limited at places like this, we got chips with fish and calamari, it was ok, but usually we don't eat deep fried food.
The camping was really nice, right on the beach, (don't stress, no Crocodiles there) outside the bar they had an bonfire, we were sitting there and drinking beers and meet a couple of nice Aussies, they were traveling up to the top of Australia with caravan. great thing to do when you are retired. You see so many old people traveling with caravan here.

Beautiful pink sky when we left Clarview in the morning.,
This was our final day before we arrived in Mackay and probably the hardest one. I was getting really bored of riding along this boring road, We had 130 km to go today and started the morning with a stop 20 km in to our ride for breaky at a nice little café they did a huge works burger to us and I think they never served a burger that big before because they asked for a photo with us and the burgers, haha We added lots of extras to the burgers..
Along this road it was a few petrol station we stoped again after 20 km for ice cream and i got a flat tire to so we had to fix that after that we had a 40 km ride before next petrolstation and we decided to order a pizza there, we was waiting for 45 minutes for the pizzas,
seriously, 45 minutes to make two pizzas (?!) We only ate one of them because they tasted so bad and was so fatty. yuck! from now one we have decided to cook and eat healthy again. But we can have ice creams break along the way. We need to have some kind of treat when it get's boring.

This is the view I had for 3 days and 355 km. It must be a lot of drivers who falling asleep along this road because it is so many signs saying Rest or R.I.P or Tired drivers dies etc..
We have settle in Mackay now for 2 nights and it's perfect timing because it's crazy weather, raining and thunderstorm but already tomorrow when we heading towards Airlie beach the weather will clear up and the sun should be back. Should be perfect weather when we doing the Sailing tour on Whitsundays.
We don't have much planned today, we will use our waterproof for the first time and take a walk to the Paleo café for lunch, they have the same food chain in Sydney too and it was my favourite café. So I'm very excited for lunch there today, and best of all they have it in Cairns as well.
In the afternoon we are going to plan the last 850 km of our trip between Airlie beach and Cairns.
I going to write a CV and send it so some business in hope of job. It's so easy for Jakob to get job because pretty much every restaurant looking for chefs. I have worked 9,5 years with horses now and want to do something different. I worked 12 months as part time Nanny in Sydney and I liked that,, but in Cairns they looking for more live in aupairs so you get free food and accommodation and it is not what I looking for. I would like to work in an adventure store or maybe booking holidays and adventure for backpackers traveling around Australia or with animals. I love wildlife and animals so it would really suit me. I think all of those jobs would suit me even if I don't have experience in it. At least in an Adventure store I'm familiar with the gear they are selling and have an huge interests in hiking, mountaineering and adventures.
And to sell holiday packages for backpackers in Australia should also suit me I think. Usually it is other backpackers that do these kind of jobs and I have lived in Australia for a long time and have myself done few of these adventure they are selling now and have traveled the east coast etc. They also say it's a plus if you speak Swedish, german or France. I love to meet new people so both of these jobs would be great for that.
Let's see what I can find and what is available when we are in Cairns, they say it hard to find jobs there now.
// Gina johansen xx