Today we decided to go for a road trip up to Cape Tribulation, it's about 3 hour north of Cairns in the Daintree rainforest, We went on a little boat trip up the river and saw our very first wild salt water Crocodile there. Two females and also a few baby ones we also saw a snake and a very pretty bird called kingfisher.

Pretty cool, hey? They are amazing animals, these two are only small ones, the male crocs can be the double size, unfortunately we never saw a male croc today. we got told that they have seen crocodiles dragging cows down the river that they have killed further up this river.
Only few weeks ago a German tourist women got killed by a Crocodile a bit further away from this river on a beach, (the picture to the left) the day after they found the Croc with the women hanging out from his mouth, When they kill something they usually don't eat it all straight away, they drag it away somewhere and keep it there to eat it later, Very sadly they had to kill that Crocodile, it's not far they kill a Crocodile because a stupid tourist deciding to swim near a creak where it's Crocs living, you asking for trouble then.
Me and Jakob will go back up here to hike/climb Mount Sorrow, I was hoping on more hiking and trials here but wasn't much at all. The area behind Cairns have nice hiking so I will go there next time for trial running, But Mt Sorrow is suppose to be really good and very step so I looking forward to go back for a summit there. Today we rented a car together with two friends we meet on Fraser island and Agnes water. They are also from Sweden. So we had a fun trip together. Works out so much cheaper when you get together and rent a car and more fun!
This signs is everywhere here

Kingfisher bird

Tomorrow we have 4 accommodation to have a look at. Hopefully we like one of them, now we are staying at the backpackers and it's getting a bit annoying, I can't wait till we find a nice place and actually can settle down, Both me and Jakob are having a job trial on Monday, I was suppose to have it Friday but it got change till Monday, So we haven't done much here more than walked and walked around the city. We forgot our tires to the bikes in Ayr so we have bikes with only back tires now, haha! Hopefully Kristen we stayed with can send them with Greyhound bus on Monday up here or he will take them with him next weekend when he is coming up here.
It's really late here now, my bed is calling. I have been really tired last couple of days. maybe my body is catching up from all biking we have done,
//Gina Johansen xx